Weekly Updates 05-11-2024


refactor(Scripts/ZulAman): refactor set data to instance boss states and refactor Hex Lord Malacrass 

fix(DB/Gameobject): Sniffed Values for 'Xmas*' spawns (#20434)

Fix(Sql/npc_vendor): Elixir of Major Defense Recipe incrtime (#20436)

fix(Core/Spells): Luffa removing bleeds over level 60 (#20411)

fix(Scripts/Kalimdor): Prophecy of Akida not giving group credit (#20437)

Fix(SQL): deactivated sunblade protectors is not linked properly (#20404)

Fix(SQL): Unleashed Hellion's Rain of Fire (#20421)

fix(Core/Spells): Adjust logic for removing/applying auras related to areas. (#20299)

fix(Core/Unit): Only allow Judgement of Light/Wisdom to proc for targets friendly to caster. (#20374)

fix(DB/Formations): Pack near the first scout is not linked properly (#20403)

fix(DB/Formations): First Blood Elf packs are not linked properly. (#20405)

fix(DB/Custom): Spotlight aura stacking (#20429)

fix(DB/Creature): Sniffed Values for 'Hallow's End' spawns (#20426)

fix(DB/Gameobject): Sniffed Values for 'Lights' spawns (#20427)

fix(DB/Gameobject): Sniffed Values for 'Christmas Tree' spawns (#20428)

fix(DB/Procs): Eye of Magtheridon not procing on miss (#20432)

fix(Core/Movement): remove unecessary reset() (#20419)

Fix(DB/Creature) Add Grikkin Copperspring spawn point. (#20393)

fix(DB/Creature): Sniffed Values for 'Pilgrim's Bounty' spawns (#20422)

fix(Spells/SpellScript): fix CI, rename the log for Validate (#20418)

fixup(Scripts/CrusaderColiseum)spellscripts (#20417)

fix(DB/Loot): Add Weighted Jack-o'-Lanterns to Crudely Wrapped Gift. (#20332)

fix(DB/gameobject_queststarter): Add queststarter records for GameObject 142122 (#20293)

fix(Scripts/Kalimdor): Cavern of Time custodian escort quest group completion (#20355)

fix(Scripts/Events): Hallow's End Headless Horsemen fly intro (#20366)

fix(Scripts/Netherstorm): make "Mark V is Alive!" group completable (#20360)

fix(DB/Gameobject): Sniffed Values for "Pilgrim's Bounty" spawns (#20406)

fix(Docker): Updated env.docker (#20383)

fix(Scripts/Outland): Fix crash in dragonmaw_race_npc by refreshing players pointer in lambda 

feat(DB): Expand game_event_npc_vendor key to include event entry. (#20398)

refactor(Scripts/EasternKingdoms): spell scripts use registry macros (#20399)

refactor(scripts/CrusadersColiseum): spell scripts use registry macros (#20400)

refactor(Scripts/Northrend): spell scripts use registry macros (#20401)

fix(DB/Creature): Remove stunned flag from Syndicate Thiefs (#20396)

fix(Core/Spells): Fix Gurtogg Bloodboil applying Acid Wound to himself (#20394)

fix(Scripts/BlackTemple): Parasitic Shadowfiends only target players (#20395)

fix(Core/Movement): fix a small memory leak in RandomMovementGenerator (#20258)

refactor(src/common|server): remove unused import (big part 2) (#20388)

fix(DB/Creature): Shadow Demon knockback immunity (#20368)

refactor(src/common|server): remove unused import (big part 1) (#20377)

fix(DB/Creature): Add auras to Sunblade Scout. (#20375)

fix(DB/SAI): Replace bad spell ID for Sunblade Vindicator's Mortal Strike. (#20365)

fix(Docker): Fix env name for data volume (#20337)

fix(Script/BlackTemple): Spawn Shadow Demons 30s into phase 4 (#20335)

fix(Core/BattlegroundAV): Add Hallow's End decorations to Alterac Valley (#20317)

Special thanks to the entire AzerothCore development team.

Made with [contrib.rocks]


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